Teamvorstellung 1

Team Nepada Wildlife – Part 1

Like an ecosystem, our association lives from the diversity of its species (or members). We introduce you to the different species behind Nepada Wildlife e.V.

With the help of the following profiles, you will recognize our team in the wild.

1. Chairwoman: Hannah Emde

Portrait Hannah Emde
© Maximilian Probst
Hannah Emde privat


Hannah Emde

Natural habitat

Rhinelander by birth, lives in Hamburg, but prefers to travel in the deepest jungles with monkeys and leeches


Passionate veterinarian and species conservationist

Special skills

Tracking clouded leopards, counting proboscis monkeys or tagging bull sharks

Greatest Wildlife Moment

Working with the last lemurs, orangutans and leatherback turtles and witnessing the massive destruction of their habitat first hand

2nd Chairman: Jannes Vahl

Jannes Vahl
© Maximilian Probst
Jannes Vahl privat


Jannes Vahl

Natural habitat

Born in Oldenburg, now living in Hamburg and helping Nepada everywhere on our blue-green planet


I try to improve my perception of nature as much as Hannah can, but I have given up hope in the meantime. So I always run after her in the jungle, sweating, but I also always find the most poisonous and dangerous animals

Special skills

As second chairman, I watch Hannah’s back. As a journalist and networker, I communicate about the association. And as founder of two other non-profit associations, I can help Nepada with my experience

Greatest wildlife moment

Directly my arrival to Hannah’s Borneo project in 2017: the first animals I saw were six-meter groin crocodiles on Kinabatangan

Treasurer: Johannes Dierkes

Johannes Dierkes
© privat
Johannes Dierkes privat


Johannes Dierkes

Natural habitat

Usually near my coffee machine or my piano, but as often as possible on my racing bike or hiking and running on forest paths that are as winding as possible


I’m about the size of an almost full-grown wood bison, though only about as heavy as 4 clouded leopards. And I am about 1/6 as old as the Seychelles giant tortoise Jonathan

Special skills

Excel Magic and Orga Guru

Greatest wildlife moment

Amazed observation of dozens of running giraffes through the steppe of Etosha National Park in Namibia! What majestic creatures

Advisory Board: Franz Emde

Portrait Franz Emde
© Uschi Euler
Franz Emde privat


Franz August, good friends call me Franz or Fränzchen

Natural habitat

From a city kid from Essen to a forest lover in Freiburg and Bonn. Today I live on the outskirts of Bonn or in Hochsauerland, my second home. I love canoeing in Sweden, hiking with a dachshund, or speeding through the Sauerland on my mountain bike


Looking like a wood gnome with a white beard. Passionate about music, percussion, and nature

Special skills

Specialist in environment and biodiversity and a big admirer of sustainable development

Greatest wildlife moment

My greatest wildlife moments include seeing my first orcas or humpback whales, the bear in the Rockies, or the black stork in the Sauerland. I want my grandchildren to still be able to experience such a diverse animal world