Are zoos still up-to-date?
Zoos and large show aquariums are controversial institutions for many conservationists. We ask ourselves the critical question of whether zoos are still appropriate today.
The controversial issue of meat
Mit der Grillsaison flammt er regelmäßig wieder auf, der altbekannte Streit zwischen Fleisch-Fans und den fleischlos Glücklichen. Manchmal erscheint die Diskussion fast wie eine
Is sustainable air travel possible?
Wahrscheinlich kennen es viele, man bucht einen Flug für einen bevorstehenden Urlaub oder für eine Geschäftsreise und wird von schlechtem Gewissen geplagt oder erhält sogar neg
The different faces of wildlife tourism
© Hendrik Heidbrink Wildlife tourism has many different aspects; safaris in national parks, gorilla trekking, elephant riding, petting, and posing with young wild cats. Before we
Soy – Better Than Its Reputation?
When talking about soy, people often think of genetically modified monocultures and cleared rainforests in South America. Unfortunately, this is the reality for the most part. But
Palm Oil – The Hidden Ingredient
About every second supermarket product contains palm oil or palm kernel oil. Nutella, the universally popular spread, is a well-known example of this. However, palm oil can also be