Educational platform for the protection of the oceans

4Wildlife – Expedition Ocean

From the ocean to the classroom: Together with Arved Fuchs Expeditionen, we are currently developing an innovative educational platform under the working title ‘4Wildlife – Expedition Ocean’, in which pupils can immerse themselves in marine conservation. Through this playful and interactive approach, complex problem areas relating to species and climate protection are explained in a tangible way, and practical solutions, as well as ways to get active in everyday life, are communicated.

Cover image: Playing a big part of the ocean ecosystem: a breaching humpback whale

© Thomas Kelley / Unsplash

What does this platform look like?

The open-access, interactive ESD platform (Education for Sustainable Development) takes pupils on a discovery tour of the ecosystem ocean and its changing conditions with the largest marine mammal on our planet – the blue whale. Pupils are taken from the melting glaciers in the Arctic to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch off California and learn about various problem areas in the ocean. Together with the stories of ‘local heroes’, they develop their own strategies and projects to become activists for marine protection.

Who is the platform for?

The platform is aimed at pupils from Year 10 upwards in German-speaking countries who either want to learn about ocean protection out of their own interest, or have been directed to the platform by their teacher.

It is also designed for teachers from all federal states of Germany who would like to enrich their lessons with digital, interactive educational material. Thanks to the curriculum link and the content adapted to 90-minute units, teachers can enable their pupils to engage with the otherwise complex topics of climate change and wildlife conservation in a playful way.

Our Partner

Arved Fuchs

Arved Fuchs

Arved Fuchs is an adventurer, polar explorer and environmentalist who is known for his expeditions to the polar seas on a former converted fishing trawler – the Dagmar Aaen. As an author and speaker, he shares his fascinating experiences and explains the changes in the polar seas caused by climate change, which he has experienced first-hand over the years.

With Nepada Wildlife e.V. he has launched ‘4Wildlife – Expedition Ocean’ in order to get the younger generation interested in climate and wildlife protection, and to raise their awareness for the protection of the oceans.

Support marine conservation now with our education project for the oceans!

Support marine conservation now with our education project for the oceans!

Donations Account

Donations Account

Nepada Wildlife e.V. 
IBAN: DE15 4306 0967 1337 9910 00
(GLS Bank)
Reference: “Expedition Ocean“

We need your help to be able to finalise this educational platform and provide it free of charge!

Let’s bring this across the finish line together: With many helping hands and the professional support of experts in the field of programming and design, we will be able to provide user-friendly and free access for all students and teachers.

If you have any further questions about the project, Johanna Herzog is happy to help! Email: bildung@nepadawild.life